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IVF FLORIDA Reproductive Associates Proud to be Leader in Frozen-Egg Donor Technology

September 14, 2012
By IVF Florida Staff

Recently, IVF FLORIDA's Dr. David Hoffman was interviewed by the Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel and asked to offer his expert point-of-view on new advances in IVF using the egg donor program. The article, " Frozen egg donor banks sprout in wake of new technology," details the exciting new technology that makes frozen-egg donors a viable option in the IVF process.  It has taken years to fine-tune, but specialists are now able to flash-freeze healthy eggs in a process called vitrification where the eggs are coated in a solution and then dipped in liquid nitrogen.

The benefits of frozen-egg donation are far-reaching for both recipients and donors.  Dr. David Hoffman, contributed to the article and says, "This is the wave of the future."  He further explains that while the old fresh-egg IVF process costs $30,000 - $35,000 and is lengthy (approximately 12 months), the new vitrification IVF process costs about one half and is often accomplished within two months.  The emotional toll is also significantly reduced, effectively eliminating the need to synchronize menstrual cycles, retrieval and implantation between donor and recipient.  This process would also allow you to freeze your own healthy eggs, preserving them for starting a family later in life, since one of the greatest concerns of women trying to conceive after the age of 35 is, "Will my eggs be healthy enough?"

Although very new, there will be considerable growth using this technology going forward and Florida is expected to play a major role in this market.  We are so excited to be partnering with Donor Egg Bank USA to provide screening, egg retrieval, treatment, egg storage and matching services to women and couples seeking this option.  "Being able
to choose a donor from a national pool, just as they do in looking for the ideal sperm  donor, offers infertile couples 'wider and more diverse' options than ever before," states Dr. Hoffman in the article.

There is so much potential for this process as the market grows and people become more aware of this technology.  If you are considering frozen-egg IVF as a possible solution, as a donor or recipient, and would like more egg donation facts, please click here to read Dr. Hoffman's article or visit our website at

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