Daniel R. Christie, M.D.

Daniel R. Christie, M.D., tiene una subespecialidad certificada en Endocrinología Reproductiva e Infertilidad, se unió a IVF FLORIDA Reproductive Associates en marzo de 2010 para tratar a los pacientes de nuestras oficinas en Miami y Pembroke Pines. Completó su beca de subespecialidad en Endocrinología Reproductiva e Infertilidad en la Universidad de Alabama en Birmingham en junio de 2008.
El Dr. Christie recibió su título de Medicina en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Louisville y completó su residencia en Obstetricia y Ginecología en la Universidad de Florida en Gainesville. Allí recibió el Premio a la Enseñanza Residente de los Laboratorios Berlex y el Premio a la Enseñanza Golden Apple.
El Dr. Christie nació en Kansas City, MO, pero vivió la mayor parte de su infancia en Kentucky. Él y su esposa se mudaron al sur de Florida en 2008 y viven con sus dos hijos en Pembroke Pines.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Florida International University
Honors and Awards
Certification: American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Select Publications
Christie DR, Shaikh FM, Lucas III JA, Lucas JA, Bellis SA. ST6Gal-I expression in ovarian cancer cells promotes an invasive phenotype by altering integrin glycosylation and function. J Ovarian Res. 2008 1(1):3
Williams RS, Christie D, Sistrom C. Assessment of the understanding of the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in primary care physicians. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005 193(2):551-6
Christie DR, Shaikh FM, Lucas JA, Bellis SA. ST6Gal-I expression in an ovarian cancer cell line alters integrin glycosylation and function. Abstract #865 Soc Gynec Invest. March 29, San Diego, 2008
Christie DR, Cooper BC, Sites CK. Effect of soy supplementation on regional fat, bone mineral content, and lean mass in postmenopausal women. Oral presentation. ASRM. October 15, Washington DC, 2007
Christie DR, Staton B, Rainey WE, Parker CR. Differential steroid pathway responses to adrenocorticotropin hormone and corticotropin-releasing hormone in human fetal adrenal cell cultures. Abstract #686. Soc Gynec Invest. March 17, Reno, 2007
Christie DR, Cooper BC, Cliver SP, Mahan JA, Sites CK. Effect of soy protein with isoflavones on endogenous hormones in postmenopausal women. Abstract #78. Soc Gynec Invest. March 15, Reno, 2007
Christie DR, Cooper BC, Lyon D, Cliver SP, Sites CK. Effect of soy phytoestrogens on systemic markers of inflammation and adiposity in postmenopausal women. Oral presentation. ASRM. October 25, New Orleans, 2006
Memberships and Positions
Dr. Christie completed his undergraduate work at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina and received a Bachelor of Science in 1997. He received his medical degree from the University of Louisville School of Medicine and completed a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Florida in Gainesville. In 2008 he completed his subspecialty training in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Areas of Experience/Interest
Dr. Christie is experienced in the areas of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). He has authored peer-reviewed papers on ovarian cancer and HRT.
As an adjunct to his training, Dr. Christie is furthering his development and expertise in the emerging technologies surrounding in vitro maturation (IVM). As the technology develops, IVM is showing to be beneficial with patients who are easily over-stimulated through the traditional IVF process, patients suffering from PCOS, or patients who have hormone sensitive cancers, such as breast cancer. Advantages of IVM include A) minimal stimulation, B) reduced risk of hyperstimulation, and C) advanced or timed scheduling of the oocyte retrieval procedure.
Dr. Christie is also certified in the use of the minimally invasive da Vinci robotic surgery system.
Hospital Affiliations: