LGBTQIA+ Family Planning : Treatment Options Gay Male Couples

Treatment Options Gay Male Couples

For gay male couples, building a family is more possible than ever before. Using a combination of donated eggs, the sperm of one or both partners, and a gestational carrier, gay couples can now realize their dreams of family.

Using an Egg Donor

Gay couples will need to utilize an egg from a donor in order to build a family. Donor eggs can be from known, semi-known, or anonymous donors. The eggs are then inseminated using the sperm of one or both partners before being transferred to the uterus of the gestational carrier. IVF FLORIDA is committed to helping gay couples find the situation that is best for them and connect them with affiliated egg banks.

Gestational Carriers

A gestational carrier is a women who carries and gives birth to a child for an individual or couple. The child is created utilizing a donor egg and sperm, and/or a donated embryo, so she has no genetic connection to the child. Picking a gestational carrier is a carefully undertaken process and can involve extended contact or no contact with the gestational carrier. IVF FLORIDA can recommend agencies which specialize in helping couples find a surrogate.


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